Northminster Presbyterian Church offers a variety of groups, choirs, classes, and opportunities for everyone to get involved!

Groups  Choirs

Adults  Youth   Children


Men's Prayer Group
Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m., Calvin Hall
The Men's Prayer Breakfast is one of Northminster’s oldest groups, but younger guys come, too! They eat breakfast together, study the Bible, and pray for each other and the congregation. For more information, contact Jerry Gray or John Purcell.

Spiritual Striders
For women of all ages who can meet during the day for prayer, study, and walking together outside (weather permitting.) on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 9 am in the Knox Room at church. For more information, please contact Barb Angotti.

Circle 1 (Sarah Circle)
Bible/book study for women of all ages. They meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month at church in the Conference Room. Contact Norma Arend for more information.

Circle 3
Bible study for women in their 60s and older. They meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 pm in the homes of group participants. To learn more, please contact Sally Gray.


Northminster’s choir program provides opportunities for musical learning, spiritual growth, liturgical training, and fellowship. It is an integral part of the worship life of the congregation. Choir singers know that rehearsal time is time well spent, and they come to understand that they are participating in an activity that has continued for centuries throughout the world. Singing in the choir means we join with the saints of all generations and across the boundaries of time.

We always welcome new choir members. Contact John Wright, Director of Music Ministries, with questions.

Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, Choir Room

This choir is taught to read printed music. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the voice, improving the singing tone, exploring theoretical and historical aspects of music, and learning a wide variety of musical styles. 
Katie Ray, Director: 

Wednesdays, 6:15 - 7:00 pm, Room 203

Our beginners choir explores the singing voice and basic fundamentals of rhythm. Emphasis is on music in worship and FUN!
Contact John Wright, Director of Music Ministries:

The Northminster Chamber Ensemble is a select  group of 12 trained,  experienced voices from the Chancel Choir who appreciate extra musical challenges, requiring extra time. The ensemble focuses on Renaissance and 21st century choral repertoire. Rehearsals are scheduled throughout the year as needed.

Wednesdays, 7:00 -  9:00 p.m., Choir Room

The Chancel Choir is a 40-voice non-auditioned mixed ensemble that sings for the 11:00 a.m. worship service September through May. The choir also presents acappella concerts and major works with orchestra 3 – 4 times a year.  We work together to develop a sense of community, which enables us to share God’s love with one another and with our congregation.

John Wright, Director: 


Ministries to adults are the superstructure of learning and sharing for our members and friends. Opportunities to discuss, question, experience, grow, and lead are among the choices open to all.


Wednesdays at 8:15 a.m., Calvin Hall

The Men's Prayer Breakfast is one of Northminster’s oldest groups, but younger guys come, too! They eat breakfast together, do Bible study and pray for each other and the congregation. For more information contact Bob Bowers.

Mondays and Thursdays at 2:30 p.m., Board Room

The Focus of the 3B program is to build flexibility, strength and balance.  This program is free to everyone!  For more information, contact Denise Harrington (317-509-7085).

Sundays at 11:00 am and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm

From September to May we offer many opportunities for dialogue and book discussions. All members and friends are invited to participate. The leaders are the Pastors, members, and guests. Topics have included world religions, spiritual practices, anti-racism, poverty in America, centering prayer, and more!

Small Groups

Whatever you want to call it, fellowship, learning together, or socializing, these groups are made up of singles and couples of certain age groups who like to get together, go on field trips, and hang out. The people in these groups have formed bonds through activities in the church or through social groups.  Wherever the seeds of friendship are planted, they grow and strengthen the relationships within the congregation.

Meets weekly online. Contact Denise Harrington for login information.

This group of people, ages 46-65, meets in people's homes quarterly for a pitch-in meal, conversation and fellowship. Call 317-251-9489 for details.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ commandment to “love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12). By means of this lay ministry, those in our congregation and community who are hurting receive the love and support they need through a one-to-one, confidential, caring relationship with a trained Stephen Minister.

If you, a family member, or a friend need someone who cares, someone who supports, and someone who listens, or if you would like more information about Northminster’s Stephen Ministry program, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Associate Pastor Karen Herbst-Kim in our church office (317-251-9489) or our Stephen Ministry leader Tony Dzwonar.

Senior Ministries

Our Seniors Coordinator is Denise Harrington. She works with Northminster, Faith, and Irvington Presbyterian churches, which have partnered together in a joint ministry for seniors. Denise is a licensed social worker. She is responsible for developing a comprehensive ministry to and with seniors, including worship, social interaction, physical and mental wellness, legacy celebration, Health Support groups, and Caregiver Support groups.  For more information, contact Senior Ministry Consultant Denise Harrington at 317-509-7085.

CICOA Faith-based Resources for Older Adults


For up-to-date information, join our BAND page by using this link. If you have any questions, please contact Emma Moore!

High School and Middle School students will find activities and events that are fun, warm, and welcoming experiences.

Youth Fellowship, Sunday School, and other church events are places where students can make new friends and hang out with old friends. It’s a great place to learn about God and grow in your faith. Everyone is welcome!

During our time to gather, you can expect:

  • Fun (games and activities)
  • Food (usually pizza!)
  • Fellowship (Bible study and awesome talks)
  • Friendship (lifelong)

Questions? Contact the office at (317) 251-9489 or  .

Youth Photo Release Form  Youth Permission Form


On Sunday mornings, the church school children in preschool will meet every Sunday following our Time with Children in the worship service. Those in K-5 will dismiss from worship after our Time with Children every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month when they will join us for communion.

Childcare is offered all morning on Sundays for babies and toddlers. 

Groups for Children  Groups for Youth