We are glad you are joining us for YOGA class at Northminster Presbyterian Church (NPC)! The following policies and procedures will make your experience as pleasant and user-friendly as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact your teacher or the Northminster Presbyterian Church office if you have questions. 

We are located at 1660 Kessler Blvd E Drive (in the Broad Ripple/Glendale area between College and Keystone). Our office hours are Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and closed on Fridays. You can contact our office at (317) 251-9489 or Krista Wright.

Krista Sampler | Breathing   Krista Sampler | Vinyasa

Krista Sampler | Gentle Heart Flow   Kim Sampler | Viniyoga

Class Schedule

All classes are “loose” hours and run for 60-75 minutes. Each public class is $10 per session and $5 for students age 12 through high school.

Click on any class for a description and to register!


5:30 pm All Levels


9:30 am All Levels, some experience


8:00 am All Levels


9:30 am All Levels


9:30 am Moderate


11:00 am All Levels

2nd Friday of the Month

12:15 pm 2025 Yoga Workshops with Kim All Levels


Private Lessons with Krista* All Levels
Private Lessons with Kim* All Levels

*Please contact instructors prior to registering to ensure availability. A completed waiver is required.

Potluck Flow with Krista | Sundays at 5:30 PM

This class adapts weekly to serve the needs of those in attendance. Warming, cooling, calming, centering, stretching, strengthening. All
are welcome. Register Here! (back to scheduleNo class on March 16th!

Vinyasa Fundamentals with Krista | Tuesdays at 9:30 am

This all-level class is most suitable for those who feel comfortable with active movement or have some yoga experience. It explores the basic structure of the more active "vinyasa" style of yoga and is ideal for those who feel ready to grow into a more challenging practice. Register Here! (back to schedule

Gentle Yoga Sampler with Krista | Wednesdays at 8:00 am

This class explores different types of gentle yoga: yoga nidra - yoga for sleep; restorative/somatic- ideal for physical or spiritual recovery; yin - very slow, deep stretches. Classes may be limited to one style or be a combination of several in one sessionRegister for In-Person Here! (back to schedule)

Viniyoga/Hatha with Kim | Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Mindful stretch and strengthen. This class is open to all physical abilities. Movements are adapted to meet you where you are, aiming to create space and stability. Each class will include some floor, kneeling, standing, and seated postures, as well as guided meditation. Register Here! (back to schedule)

Creative Flow with Olga Krista| Thursdays at 9:30 am

This creative vinyasa flow class is for more experienced students as well as students looking for a more physically challenging class. This class breaks the boundaries of vinyasa fundamentals and explores creative combinations of poses. Register Here! (back to schedule) ***Led by Krista Wright on March 6th, 13th, and 20th

Gentle Flow with Kim | Fridays at 11:00 am

Mindful stretch and strengthen. This class is open to all physical abilities. Movements are adapted to meet you where you are, aiming to create space and stability. Each class will include some floor, kneeling, standing, and seated postures, as well as guided meditation. Register Here! (back to schedule)

2025 Yoga Workshops | 2nd Friday of the Month | 12:15 - 2:15 pm

Beginning in 2025, these two-hour intensives will focus on a different subject matter each month. All are welcome, and yoga teaching professionals can earn two CEUs. For more information on CEUs, visit kimallenyoga.com.  Every second Friday of the month, 12:15-2:15 pm. Cost: $50 per class. Register Here!
Upcoming Topics and Dates:
March 14 - Pelvic Floor
April 11 - Yoga for Lower Back
May  9 - Food as Medicine (Ayurveda)
June 13 - Dharma
July 11 - Adaptations
August 8 - Yoga for Neck & Shoulders
September 12 - Unwinding (Somatics)
October 10 - Yoga for Hip Strength & Mobility
November 14 - Death and Dying
December 12 - Creating Space 

To Pay by Cash or Check

If you prefer not to pay online, your teacher will be happy to take your cash or personal check made payable to Northminster Presbyterian Church. Make sure to put your teacher’s name and yoga in the memo line. 

Due to limited space, only students who preregister and pay online will be guaranteed a spot. All others may join on a first-come, first-served basis. Since payments are made per each individual class, refunds and credits will not be offered for absences. 

Upon Arrival

Please park in the southeast parking lot on the corner of Kessler and Kingsley and enter through the main atrium doors. Sign-in at the main office window to your right behind the coffee bar, then proceed up the stairs or elevator to the second floor. Follow the hallway around to the right to room 210. Sign the class roster at the door and fill out a waiver, if you have not already done so in person or online at registration.

There is a rack for coats and shoes by the door and cubbies for valuables inside the room.

Inclement Weather

In general, NPC follows the Indianapolis Public Schools closure schedule.  Preregistered students will be contacted. Check your regular web and TV outlets for IPS and NPC closure information. 

Our Teachers

Kim Allen has been a student of yoga since 1993. Her training has been largely in the study of Viniyoga; adapting movement, breath, and meditation to best meet the needs of the practitioner. Her certifications include the 500-hour yoga teacher training and 500-hour yoga therapist through the American Viniyoga Institute. She also has a doctorate in health education, is a certified health/wellness coach, ACSM personal trainer, and licensed massage therapist. Kim aims to create experiences to meet the immediate needs and long-term goals of everyone she works with. You can contact Kim at (317) 319-1672.

Olga Keegan
(E-RYT200, RYT300 Yoga Teacher, Aerial Yoga certified)

Olga’s youngest son, Ian, introduced her to yoga in 2013, the year before he left for college and emptied her nest. After 15 years of teaching Jazzercise fitness classes, she longed for something else to share with others. She was drawn to yoga philosophy, the fluidity of vinyasa class, the connection of movement to the breath, and the serenity she felt after yoga practice.

Olga danced ballet from childhood through adulthood, was a gymnast in high school and arunner since college. She received her 300 hour yoga teacher training under Rolf Gates in 2024. All these disciplines helped her learn to teach the intricacies of yoga asanas and the art of yoga flows. Her classes embrace cueing alignment and placement for different body types and varying skill levels for a safe, comfortable practice.  Her classes include moving through traditional and creative sun salutations and offer fluid movements that integrate the breath and mind while challenging the muscles and body. Olga’s classes are infused with yoga philosophy so one can carry lessons from the mat to life off the mat. She hopes students leave class with feelings of calmness and centering and joy.  

When not teaching yoga, Olga enjoys traveling, biking, hiking, boating, photography, interior design, and reading.  Olga has enjoyed being a Realtor since 2005. She’s happiest spending time with family and friends. Olga can be contacted at (317) 332-6590.

Krista Wright

Krista has been a professional musician for her entire adult life and a yoga teacher since 2018. Currently, she teaches several classes per week in a variety of yoga styles from Restorative to Intermediate Vinyasa, and maintains a private studio of voice and piano students where she integrates the Eastern principles of Yoga and Meditation with traditional Western voice and piano pedagogical techniques. In addition to weekly private lessons and classes, Krista leads clinics and workshops in yoga, meditation, and voice and writes and speaks on the subject of ecumenical spirituality. You can contact Krista at (317) 331-7841.