Wednesday, February 12

Wednesday Nights at Northminster

Time: 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Join us each Wednesday for a meal, fellowship with others, and discussions on how to learn and grow in your faith. Childcare is available from 6-9 pm. If you're joining us for dinner, please use the form below to RSVP!

  • Dinner, 5:30 pm

  • Adult Education, 6:00 pm

  • Children’s Choirs, 6:00 pm

  • Chancel Choir, 6:59 pm.

RSVP for Dinner Here

Upcoming Adult Education Classes

  • February 5th | Becoming Better Neighbors: Exodus Refugee
    • As part of our continued Spiritual Growth theme of Becoming Better Neighbors, hear from experts at Exodus Refugee about the needs of refugees in our community. We will meet in the Board Room on Wednesday, February 5th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm to learn: What is it like to have to leave one's home country and travel to an unknown country for safety? What are the challenges of beginning a new life in an unfamiliar culture? How can we be better neighbors to the refugee families we connect with directly and the refugee communities on the north side of Indianapolis?

  • February 12th | Becoming Better Neighbors: IYG and our LGBTQIA+ Neighbors
    • How can we be better neighbors to anyone struggling and worried about their access to services in Indiana? Hear from Shelly Fitzgerald of IYG, the oldest continuously operating organization for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults in North America. Since being founded as the Indianapolis Youth Group, the organization has grown into a nationally recognized institution that serves thousands of young people across the state of Indiana and beyond each year.

  • February 19th & 26th | Becoming Better Neighbors: Bonhoeffer
    • As part of our Spiritual Growth series on Becoming Better Neighbors, learn more about German Lutheran theologian, pastor, and anti-Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer from local expert Jim Higginbotham, Associate Dean and Professor of Pastoral Care at Earlham School of Religion. We'll meet in the Board Room on two consecutive weeks, February 19th and 26th, from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. If you're interested in watching a recommended documentary, Bonhoeffer (2003), the film is available free from the Indianapolis Public Library.

Sign Up to Be a Greeter

Greeters needed! Are you looking to have a hot meal and to greet and talk to Wednesday night members and friends? Well, this is the perfect volunteer opportunity for you. Please consider being a greeter on Wednesday. Please sign up using the link below or contact Melissa Hopkins or Liz Higgins!

Sign Up to be a Greeter Here
