Comfort and Joy
Thursday, December 19
Comfort and Joy
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Northminster welcomes you on Thursday, December 19th, for the first Advent "Comfort & Joy" from 6:30 - 8:30 pm!
This event features:
Sound Bath with Live Music in The Gathering Place. Find a comfortable seat and allow the sounds of flutes, singing bowls, and chimes to wash over you.
Labyrinth Walk in the Chapel. Bring your thoughts, concerns, joys, thanksgivings, hopes, and prayers into the labyrinth and listen for the still, small voice of the spirit.
The Longest Night Self-Guided Liturgy in the Sanctuary. Use a simple printed liturgy to guide you into comfort as you sit with challenges. Enter into prayer and meditation. Light a candle for a loved one.
This is an open house-style event, and there is no right or wrong way to participate! You may come and go as you like. Bring the kids in their pj’s and come as you are with your pillows, blankets, yoga mats, sleeping bags, stuffed animals, and anything else that makes you comfortable, and rest into any or all of these three peaceful and spiritually nourishing Advent offerings. There will be plenty of conventional seating in the Gathering Place, as well as extra yoga mats, floor cushions, and bolster pillows.
This is an intergenerational event, and the kiddos are encouraged to come. If they get squirrelly, free childcare will be provided! Take advantage of this time to Come and Simply BE.
If you have any questions or want to learn more, please contact Krista Wright, Spiritual Wholeness and Wellness Coordinator.