Wednesday, June 4

Summer Fun 2025

Time: 5:15 pm – 8:00 pm

Northminster Presbyterian Church

Summer Fun is back for 2025! Join us each Wednesday evening in June for "Water All Around the World." Each week will focus on a different country, a Bible story, a mission story, activities and crafts, recreation and dinner, music, reflection, and a closing time.

Check-in each week is from 5:15 - 5:30 pm, followed by an opening welcome and then dinner from 5:45 - 6:10 pm. The rest of the evening will include stories, speakers, crafts, games, activities, music, and a closing to finish our night at 8:00 pm.

Registration will be available here soon!

Living Waters for the World: Water All Around the World

This year's Summer Fun "is designed to enable children to understand the importance of access to clean water for health and to make them aware of the way in which this access (or lack of access!) affects the lives of children in other countries. It also teach es the value of water in our own lives and encourages conservative use."

Overview of Days and Themes:

June 4th | Guatemala (Water is necessary to life, Ana's story, Genesis 21 - Hagar)

June 11th | Mexico (Water can be dangerous, Genesis 8 - Noah)

June 18th | Cuba & Haiti (Water is scarce and a sign of grace, Exodus 17 - Water from the rock)

June 25th | Ghana (Jesus offers us Living Water, John 4 - Woman at the Well)
