Welcome to the Season of Lent at Northminster Presbyterian Church!

In the Season of Lent, we move from ashes in the form of a cross on our foreheads through a week we call Holy to the miracle of a stone rolled away and news of the resurrection. This is a time of introspection, repentance, and renewal. It is a time of intense metaphor, powerful parables, and rich narrative.

  • What parts of the story intersect with your own? 
  • How might the metaphors and symbols encourage us in our personal and corporate faith journey in these 40 days?
  • What might we discover about ourselves and one another?

At Northminster Presbyterian Church, we begin our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday, March 5. You are invited to join us as we move toward the cross of Good Friday and the empty tomb of Easter Sunday. 

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Upcoming Events


Sunday, April 13th

Palm/Passion Sunday Service | 10:00 am


Thursday, April 18th

Maundy Thursday Service | 7:00 pm

Gathered around the table of the last supper, we will encounter the visible symbols of Jesus' last earthly night. Holy Communion will be served.

Friday, April 19th

Good Friday Service | 7:00 pm

The ancient service of tenebrae includes readings, anthems, hymns, and the extinguishing of candles featuring Northminster’s Chancel Choir and string quartet.

Saturday, April 20th

Community Easter Egg Hunt | 10:00 am

Northminster's Annual Easter Egg Hunt! Registration begins at 10:00 am, and the hunt will kick off at 10:30 am.

Sunday, April 21st

Easter Sunday Service | 10:00 am

Join us during our regular worship time for a joyful celebration of the resurrection with Northmisnter's Chancel Choir and brass quintet.

Previous Events

Wednesday, March 5th

Ashes To-Go | 12:00 - 1:00 pm & 4:00 - 5:15 pm

Receive the imposition of ashes without leaving your car! Stop by the south parking lot on Wednesday, March 5th, for a blessing and ashes from Pastor Brian and Pastor Karen. Open to all! Available 12:00 - 1:00 pm & 4:00 - 5:15 pm.

Ash Wednesday Soup Supper | 5:30 - 6:45 pm

All are welcome, and if you have a great soup recipe you’d like to make and share or you’d like to be involved in this event in other ways, please contact John Purcell or Donna Schmahl.

Ash Wednesday Service | 7:00 pm

Experience Northminster's Ash Wednesday worship service with prayers, scripture readings, imposition of ashes, and communion as we commence the Lenten season. Live streaming will be available!